Tomorrow is a big day for our family. Huge actually. We go before the Judge one last time to find out if he will grant us legal guardianship of Baby U. Currently we are ebbing and flowing through a wide range of emotions. One minute we are full of hope and excited about the potential that tomorrow holds. The next minute, one of us is struggling to not think about the "what if's".
Thankfully God is gracious and has given us each other to speak truth and remind us that God is great and can be trusted. Without a doubt God is growing us through this process. Please be praying that we are granted legal guardianship and that we will know by 11am our time. Thanks so much for praying us through this process!
On another note, here is what we've been up too lately...
- Baby U moved into our room! Here's a pic of his crib in the corner of our room.
- We've been without power the past couple of days.
- We found a place that delivers pizza! It was the best meal we've had in days!
- Camp has learned to make funny faces on command. : )
- We started a new bedtime routine of "storytime on the porch".
- We got permission to leave the "compound" and went on an "adventure" to by cokes down the hill. (It's the small things people!)
- Another couple arrived and are adopting one of Baby U's best friends. They live in Houston!
- We've been finding different ways to pass the time here. Bubbles were a big hit!
- This is our last day living at the baby home. We've been spending extra time loving on the little ones.
Again, thank you so much for all of your facebook messages and comments on our blog! It means the world to us to know that you are praying for us as we head into tomorrow! We will keep you posted! Until tomorrow...
Many prayers for your family - may God's complete and perfect will be done tomorrow. Will be anxiously awaiting the good news!
Thanks so much Mandy! We hope to be posting a name and picture tomorrow! So appreciate your prayers!
I have SO enjoyed reading your updates. Thank you for all the posts. I can't wait to hear his name and see his sweet little face. He is so blessed to be joining an amazing family.
Thanks Ashley! Can't wait to show you pics! Miss seeing your sweet face around! Might need to get together when I get back.
I am eagerly awaiting the next installment! I keep praying for bonding and joining together as a family.
Thanks for the update! I've been thinking/praying about y'all a lot. Love that last picture of Jake, and how cool that one of Baby E's friends will be close!
Oh My! I'm so excited about what God is doing in and through you guys! I know He is holding tomorrow in His hands, and this is going to work out for His Good and His glory. We are praying!
I will say that reading about these little babies who just want to be held, and seeing the pictures breaks my heart. I cry EVERY TIME! I think God is using it to affirm our call to adopt. Give those sweet babies some hugs for me!! I'm praying for their parents to come soon!
We are praying for you guys so often! Jude has been talking about Camp and baby U nonstop. It's really sweet. Baby U already has a clan of boys that call him friend. :) I don't know how I will sleep tonight, I am so excited to wake up and see news from you guys!
Oops! That last comment was me. :)
I am in awe of our great big world and how God has given you His great big heart. God bless you Box Family!! We love you and we are praying for the judge to see God working too!!
You guys are amazing! I woke up this morning very unsettled and feel so blessed after reading your comments! I know we have people fighting for us all over the world and I love that! Will update as soon as we know! We love you guys and are so thankful to call you friends!
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