I. Can't. Believe. My. Baby. Is. 2.
How in the world did that happen?
We celebrated Camp's 2nd birthday this weekend and were so richly blessed by our sweet friends! Camp is one lucky little man having such great friends already!
Yesterday we went to a park near by, ate cupcakes and played hard. It was great to celebrate Camp at his "Bouncy Ball" Birthday party! Here is a pic of the goody table...
How in the world did that happen?
We celebrated Camp's 2nd birthday this weekend and were so richly blessed by our sweet friends! Camp is one lucky little man having such great friends already!
Yesterday we went to a park near by, ate cupcakes and played hard. It was great to celebrate Camp at his "Bouncy Ball" Birthday party! Here is a pic of the goody table...

The cupcakes had balls of chocolate chip cookie dough in them... and they were amazing if I say so myself. We also had a big tub of bouncy balls to play with next to the table, but I don't have a picture of that.

My sweet boy,
I love you more than words could ever say. I have loved seeing you grow up this past year. You have gone from a baby to a little boy.
I love that you can talk with me now. I love getting to see your personality unfold. You are all boy! You love to play with balls, trucks/cars, blocks, trains... anything that moves because you are always moving!
I love that as rough and tumble that you are, you still have one of the sweetest hearts I have ever seen in a kid your age. You are quick to say sorry when you hurt someones feelings or disobey and you give the best kisses and hugs... especially the ones that are out of the blue. You are so precious to me Camp.
I often find myself watching you play and wonder how in the world I was lucky enough to be your mom. This is going to be a big year for you. This year, you will learn to sleep in a big boy bed, how to use the potty (keeping my fingers crossed), how to talk in full sentences and how to be a big brother. I can't wait to walk through this next year with you!
Your dad and I pray for you every day. We pray that you will know Jesus at a young age. We pray that you will spend your whole life loving God and loving people. We also pray that you and your brother will be the best of friends. I love you Camp... more than words could ever say. You are my baby... you are my sweet boy... you've stolen my heart.
I love you little box.
your mama
1 comment:
Too sweet! The party was perfect - you guys did a great job.
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