Camp and I couldn't resist opening the window. He sat just like this for most of the train ride. It was perfect.
This was my attempt of a taking a picture outside of the window. I was terrified the camera was going to fall, so I only took one. I know that this is a scary close up of me, but I couldn't resist the precious cheeks of my little man!
I have more pictures of the amazing cup of coffee I had the other morning, the package we sent Baby U and my morning at the park with Camp, but I can't seem to find the cord to get them from my phone to this blog. So alas, these will have to do.
Time goes by especially fast these days.
We received a phone call a couple of weeks ago telling us we have a court date!
Ever since that call I feel as though life has been in fast forward.
Part of me is glad. I can't wait for us to finally be a family of 4 in Uganda.
But part of me wants to slow things down and savor every wonderful moment of right now.
I wake up as though my to do list is banging on my bedroom door commanding me to wake up and get to work. We are leaving the country you know!
But at the same time, I am acutely aware that now will never be again.
There is something so sweet... so right... so exciting about our family growing and changing.
But like all change (at least for me), there is something slightly sad about what's ending.
I am trying to take the time to cherish my slow mornings that may become a distant friend once I have 2 toddlers running around.
I'm more aware of the fact that these are my last days as a mom only to Camp.
In the midst of crazy days, never-ending to do lists and what I swear feels like nesting...
I am taking time to soak in these last moments of the now.
I'm excited about what's to come. We talk often of how precious it will be to see our two boys grow up together. What it will be like on our family walks, Saturday doughnut runs and Monday evening adventures. But for now... I'm trying to live in today and make memories that will last a lifetime.
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